Thursday, October 1

Online Advertising Opportunity and its limits

Internet has open the doors for any business to flourish. However small or big a business is, internet brings an opportunity for that business to reach the right audience. This online advertising opportunity compels a business to reach a vast and massive audience. They are the targeted audience curious to know about a certain product. Whenever, they find a product of their interest, they proceed to know more about it and in this way the product gets promoted. And the business rockets to the sky high limit producing more and more profit. This could be the best side of online advertising.

But what about the times when online traffic reaches to maximum? Then the online media ie internet slows down. So, at peak traffic times the output is not that good.

Again, its well realized in the industry that online advertising is best suitable for technology related products, sports, entertainment, travel and tourism products etc. it is not that suitable for consumer goods. And it may not be that productive for female oriented products because the female audience tend to be lesser.

What I mean to say is- although online advertising gives vast opportunity for a business to promote, it has got certain limitations. Here comes the need to advertise in other media to gain attention. Print media brings that solution. Advertisements in newspapers and magazines may bring a static customer line.


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