Tuesday, September 8

Know your blood pressure ..be safe

Well, we all are familiar with this term- blood pressure. In today’s fast and hectic life most of us do fall victim of blood pressure. In fact, it is a force against the walls of the vessels that carry blood in our body. In terms if medicine, these vessels are called arteries. Each time our heart beats, it pumps blood into these arteries. So, we all have some sort of pressure. Blood pressure is highest when the heart pumps the blood and it is lowest when the heart takes rest in between those pumps.

Blood pressure is represented by two numbers which are systolic and diastolic. They are represented in the form x/y, where x is for systolic pressure and y is for diastolic pressure. A normal blood presuure is 120/80 or lower. A blood pressure reading of 140/90 or higher is called high blood pressure. If the blood pressure reading falls between 120/80 and 140/90, this is called prehypertension stage. A high blood pressure damages blood vessels and raises risk of stroke, kidney failure, heart disease and heart failure. So, the important thing is- we should check our blood pressure regularly- be it at home using some machines or by consulting a physician.

We should regularly check our blood pressure in order avoid further consequences. These days technology has given us automatic blood pressure monitors using which one can measure it at the ease of home. These machines don’t need a doctor and so there is no need of a stethoscope. Using these automatic machines we can monitor our blood pressure readings. Doctors use an instrument called stethoscope while taking readings of blood pressure. When there is some irregularity, we should immediately consult a doctor.

When someone becomes a patient of high blood pressure, there are certain things which should always be avoided. By following a healthy life style one can maintain a normal blood pressure. Following a healthy eating patter, using less salt in our diet, maintaining a healthy weight, reducing alcohol intake, saying no to tobacco products.. these are some of the steps that can lower high blood pressure.


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