Priyanka Chopra seems to have a tendency to fall in trouble every time. The actress, who has been making rounds in and out of the hospital, met with a minor accident on the sets of her upcoming film ‘Anjaana Anjaani’. The actress is nursing a foot injury and has been advised complete bed rest for over a week.
Though the actress has sustained no serious injuries, she has been advised not to step her foot out of her room. Said a source, "It was a minor accident and thankfully, with no major injuries to Priyanka. In Bangkok, Priyanka was required to do a scene in the ocean, where she unknowingly stepped on a pointed rock. As a result, she lost her grip and ended up getting bruised on her foot."
"Director Siddharth Anand and the crew ran to her rescue, but luckily, nothing major had happened. The shoot wasn’t stalled. Priyanka just applied an ointment and was back on her feet for the shot. Ranbir Kapoor, reportedly, was not required for the scene and so wasn’t present. Priyanka is currently shooting in Pattaya, Thailand with the rest of the cast and crew," the source added.
This isn’t the first time that Priyanka has had an accident. In the past too, the stunner was hurt while doing stunts for ‘Drona’ and ‘Kaminey’.
Though the actress has sustained no serious injuries, she has been advised not to step her foot out of her room. Said a source, "It was a minor accident and thankfully, with no major injuries to Priyanka. In Bangkok, Priyanka was required to do a scene in the ocean, where she unknowingly stepped on a pointed rock. As a result, she lost her grip and ended up getting bruised on her foot."
"Director Siddharth Anand and the crew ran to her rescue, but luckily, nothing major had happened. The shoot wasn’t stalled. Priyanka just applied an ointment and was back on her feet for the shot. Ranbir Kapoor, reportedly, was not required for the scene and so wasn’t present. Priyanka is currently shooting in Pattaya, Thailand with the rest of the cast and crew," the source added.
This isn’t the first time that Priyanka has had an accident. In the past too, the stunner was hurt while doing stunts for ‘Drona’ and ‘Kaminey’.