Saturday, March 27

Keep checking your Blood Pressure to enjoy Good Health

In this fast moving world one rarely gets time to care about their health issues. Several types of illness are a result. One of such illness which is been suffered by one in three adult is instability in blood pressure. Some suffer of high blood pressure while there are others who are victims of low blood pressure, but of the two I believe that high blood pressure is more severe and can also lead to death.

High blood pressure is also known as hypertension. Heart attacks and Heart Fail are the prime outcome of high blood pressure. In high blood pressure, the blood gets thicker, causing stains in the blood vessels which caries blood to various parts of the body. It seldom leads to blood clotting which ultimately leads to improper blood circulation as a result of which blood does not reach the heart and brain in proper way. This causes damage to heart and the brain. It can also lead to kidney failure.

There are no specific symptoms of high blood pressure, but one can keep a check on it by regularly measuring the blood pressure and forming a blood pressure chart. This chart will help you to track the changes in blood pressure. For measuring the blood pressure one does not have to go to the doctor, but you can measure it at home itself. There are several blood pressure measurement tools available in the open market. One of such tool is the Omron M6 comfort Blood Pressure Monitor. Apart from this there are several other machines. These machines are automatic and they can measure blood pressure at heart level. They have a digital display which shows the exact reading of the blood pressure. You can also take a print out of the readings if you so desire.

So, if you want to keep good health, do keep a regular watch on your Blood Pressure.

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