The bulky star has long been haunted by fears about the shape of her body, and has recently signed up as a spokeswoman for a US diet program, under which she had shed a few pounds.
While she has retained her curves, Queen Latifah has confessed that she is now happy with her “plus-size” figure.
And she has credited her contentment to a chance conversation with a chauffeur who gave her some confidence back.
"I was in Utah for the Sundance Film Festival. I was at the airport and the limo driver told me about his 12-year-old daughter, who wanted to be a singer and had a beautiful voice. However, her classmates were teasing her about her body and telling her she was never going to make it,” she said.
She added: "She saw me perform on TV and I inspired her to sing again. She saw me and my appearance and my success and the great job I did. This was a 12-year-old kid whose dream had been halted by negative comments, but she saw me deliver a knock-out performance and it made her believe she could become successful too."
She said: "I have heard a lot of stories like that and they inspire me to keep going and keep being myself."
Now, Latifah is hoping to inspire youngsters to learn to love their looks.