Sunday, January 9

Kardashian sisters sued for $75 mn

Kim-Khloe-KourtneyThe Kardashian sisters - Kim, Khloe and Kourtney - have been sued for $75 million in debit card damages. The sisters, along with mom Kris Jenner, are being sued by The Revenue Resource Group (RRG) for breach of contract after they pulled out of promotional duties stemming from the launch of their branded prepaid debit card. Their MasterCard-branded card was cancelled just weeks after its November launch because it carried "outrageous" fees, and prompted the Attorney General of Connecticut to open an investigation. In a statement released Nov 29, the Kardashians’ lawyer said: "The Kardashians have worked extremely long and hard to create a positive public persona that appeals to everyone, particularly young adults. Unfortunately, the negative spotlight turned on the Kardashians as a result of the attorney general’s comments and actions threatens everything for which they have worked."

Now, the company that licensed the Kardashians’ images is taking the family to court for reneging on their two-year deal to promote the plastic.

"The company waited a month to file hoping this would work out. They didn’t want to sue," said RRG head attorney Scott Rudd. He added that the terminated deal and associated negative publicity has "effectively put this company out of business".

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