He was announced the winner by megastar Amitabh Bachchan. The 24-year-old singer beat Rakesh Maini from Agra and Bhoomi Trivedi of Baroda to win 50 lakh in prize money, a one year contract with Sony BMG, a Tata Winger car, and a chance to sing a song in a Yash Raj Films' project.
Sreeram has already recorded a duet with singer Shreya Ghosal for a telugu film.
After the announcement of the winner, Sreeram said, "It hasn't even begun to sink in that I have really won. My parents are here with me. It seems like I'm in a dream. This victory means the world to me”.
After the announcement of the winner, Sreeram said, "It hasn't even begun to sink in that I have really won. My parents are here with me. It seems like I'm in a dream. This victory means the world to me”.
"I feel lucky that I have received my identity on a day when my country celebrates its Independence. For the rest of my life I will celebrate this day as my victory day. Getting the trophy from Mr Bachachan is again a dream come true. I couldn't have asked for anything better than this," he adds.
Sreeram now hopes to establish a foothold in both Bollywood and Telugu Industry. "I have already sung in Telugu and I hope to make a career in both Hindi and Telugu films. Actually, I don't know what I will do. I am still trying to absorb the news at this moment."
He wants to become is a versatile singer. He said, "I want to be known as a versatile singer. Being versatile means I should be able to sing for any actor."
Talking about his Indian Idol journey he says, "This platform has helped me grow as a human being and as a singer. I feel like a different person now. I feel far more confident than I did when I first entered the show."
About his singing idols, he says, “My childhood idols are Lata Mangeshkar and Kishore Kumar. From the current lot, I look up to Shankar Madhavan and of course A R Rahman, who has taken Indian music to an international level”.
When asked how is he going to celebrate his victory?
"Actually I want to celebrate my victory with everyone who has supported me in this journey. Right now I am going to party with my parents, my 13 co-contestants, the judges and the whole team."
And when asked what he plans to do with the prize money, Sreeram says he hasn't thought that far yet.
Finally, when asked to say a few words to the two finalists Bhoomi Trivedi and Rakesh Maini, he says, "We have become like one big family. It didn't really matter who won and who lost."