Sunday, April 12

Deepika Padukone is covergirl for M

Bollywood is in a downfall stage and no new film release is on the cards due to the ongoing strike. In such a situation the face of Deepika Padukone on the cover page of the latest issue of style magazine M, comes as a breath of fresh air.
Deepika Paduone
The mag also holds an interview with the ever glamourous Deepika which gives the readers an insight of what the real-life Deepika is all about. She also goes on disclose tales of the childhood, and the 'special man' who never failed to impress her even once.

She also gives her opinion on sexy woman, arm candy, money, fame and yes also ossers valuable tips to look sensuous and sexy just like her.

Hey, Deepika fans!! Won’t you rush to pick latest issue of M?

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